01273 931011     |        admin@socialcaretrainingsolutions.com
Workplace Violence
All Microlearning courses are available for 6 weeks from date of enrolment.  After expiry they can be re-purchased if required.

Select “Individual” if you are buying the training for yourself or “Group” to enable you to allocate the training to members of your team.

Workplace Violence



Social care settings are unfortunately susceptible to workplace violence. Here's a deeper dive into the issue:

Forms of Violence:

  • Physical assault: This includes hitting, pushing, kicking, or scratching by service users experiencing frustration, confusion, or emotional distress.
  • Verbal abuse: Yelling, threats, insults, or racist/discriminatory language are common forms of verbal abuse social care workers face.
  • Workplace bullying: This can come from colleagues or supervisors and involve intimidation, humiliation, or excessive workload.
  • Violence from relatives:  Family members frustrated with care plans or service delivery may resort to verbal or physical aggression.

Why is Social Care at Higher Risk?

  • Client vulnerability: Working with individuals with disabilities, mental health issues, or dementia can lead to unpredictable behavior.
  • Stressful situations: Dealing with complex needs, limited resources, and time constraints can create a tense environment.
  • Working alone: Home visits or working with limited support staff can increase vulnerability.

Preventing Violence in Social Care:

  • Risk Assessments: Regularly assess risks associated with service users and working environments.
  • De-escalation training: Equip staff with skills to de-escalate potentially violent situations and prioritize verbal communication and active listening.
  • Safe working practices: Establish protocols for working alone, personal alarms, and clear reporting procedures.
  • Supportive work environment: Promote open communication with supervisors, provide access to mental health resources, and foster a culture of zero-tolerance for violence.
Social Care Training Solutions

Advanced Training

This option is aimed at an audience with prior knowledge of the subject and isn’t suitable for.  Those that are new to the subject would be better with our standard course.

Help Section

1. How to use your account

2. How to book your Zoom training

3. How to share training with participants

Need more time?

We recognise that sometimes groups need more time for discussions and group work. This can mean that a two-hour session is just not long enough to explore the curriculum and engage in question and answer sessions. So we are you offering the opportunity to extend the session by an hour to allow your trainees the chance to explore the curriculum fully!


Discuss Training

Zoom Training

These sessions can be accessed from a phone or laptop.

They are nothing like e-learning! The training is live and interactive. Participants can ask and answer questions just as they would in face-to-face training.