01273 931011     |        admin@socialcaretrainingsolutions.com
Understanding Compassion Fatigue and Burnout?
All Microlearning courses are available for 6 weeks from date of enrolment.  After expiry they can be re-purchased if required.

Select “Individual” if you are buying the training for yourself or “Group” to enable you to allocate the training to members of your team.

How to establish a wellness programmes



Through this elearning, we will explore why it is essential and how to develop a staff wellness program. as you know, Social care work can be incredibly physically and emotionally demanding.  So here's why establishing wellness programs in social care is vital:

Support for Staff:  Social care workers often face high stress, long hours, and emotional challenges. Wellness programs can provide support mechanisms like stress management techniques, access to mental health resources, and even physical activity initiatives. This helps them cope better and maintain their well-being.

Improved Retention:  Staff burnout and turnover are major problems in social care.  Wellness programs demonstrate that employers value their staff's well-being, leading to increased job satisfaction and a desire to stay in the profession.  This reduces costs associated with recruitment and retraining.

Enhanced Quality of Care:   Stressed and burnt-out staff are less likely to provide optimal care. Wellness programs lead to happier, healthier staff who can be more patient, compassionate, and focused when interacting with clients.  This translates to better quality care overall.

Positive Workplace Culture:  Wellness programs can foster a more positive and supportive work environment.  Team-building activities, social events, and recognition programs can boost morale, improve communication, and create a stronger sense of community among staff.

Reduced Absenteeism:  By promoting healthy habits and addressing stress factors, wellness programs can lead to fewer sick days and a healthier workforce. This improves overall productivity and ensures continuity of care for clients.

Attracting New Talent:   A strong wellness program can be a major selling point when recruiting new staff. It shows that the organization prioritizes employee well-being, making it a more attractive workplace.

In conclusion, wellness programs in social care benefit staff and clients.  It fosters a healthier, happier workforce that can provide exceptional care, ultimately leading to a better overall experience for everyone involved.

Social Care Training Solutions

Advanced Training

This option is aimed at an audience with prior knowledge of the subject and isn’t suitable for.  Those that are new to the subject would be better with our standard course.

Help Section

1. How to use your account

2. How to book your Zoom training

3. How to share training with participants

Need more time?

We recognise that sometimes groups need more time for discussions and group work. This can mean that a two-hour session is just not long enough to explore the curriculum and engage in question and answer sessions. So we are you offering the opportunity to extend the session by an hour to allow your trainees the chance to explore the curriculum fully!


Discuss Training

Zoom Training

These sessions can be accessed from a phone or laptop.

They are nothing like e-learning! The training is live and interactive. Participants can ask and answer questions just as they would in face-to-face training.